Sisters: Horror For the VR Newbie

Out of all the types of games that there are, horror games are probably the most complex because of their tendency to be an absolute hit or miss with no in between. One horror game that got its calculation correctly is Sisters: A VR Ghost Story. There are a lot of good things going on with the game that adds up to why it is great including the fact that it is to be played as a virtual reality game. Sisters: A VR Ghost Story is a brief yet chilling experience that will definitely hook anyone!

Can kids play Sisters: A VR Ghost Story?
Most of the scenes in the game are not violent or nauseating. However, there are arguable some disturbing content that might not be a good image for kids. Not only that, Sisters also uses jump scare as an integral part of its story which will definitely scare even adults. Sisters game chrome extension : A VR Ghost Story is a game that is best played by those who can appreciate horror, hence, probably teens.

Do I need to have a VR headset to play Sisters: A VR Ghost Story?
Sisters: A VR Ghost Story is created for VR. VR allows the game to become more intense. However, because of a regular VR headset’s price, the game is not outright available for all. Through the years, innovations that are not only more affordable but also eco-friendly have come to light. One only needs $15 and some DIY knowledge to use Google Cardboard. Not only is it easy to get, it is also easy to assemble and one only needs a smartphone!

Where can I access Sisters: A VR Ghost Story?
More than an actual game, Sisters: A VR Ghost Story is also an experience. The encounter is short, but it is memorable and fully immersive. If these great features are not enough for you, the game also happens to be free! Games.LOL also offers the game at absolutely no charge but with the same optimized mobile VR experience. Just make sure that you have your Google Cardboard and headphones ready to experience full immersion.

How hard is Sisters: A VR Ghost Story?
Sisters VR is not a hard game. It is both easy to find and easy to learn. Some people who have experienced the game are saying that it is also more of an immersion. Sisters VR only lasts for minutes but the feeling while in the game is surreal.

Is Sisters: A VR Ghost Story a good preface to VR gaming?
Undoubtedly! When Otherworld Interactive made Sisters, it was featured in Sundance to promote horror in VR. The immersion that Sisters: A VR Ghost Story offers is only achievable through the virtual reality platform. This is a great, albeit scary, start for anyone who is new to the technology.

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